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"La Maison"

by La Rozell

The Home of La Rozell and the Hub of Creation 


Our journey started 8 years ago at the Oranjezicht City Farm Market, when it started as a small Saturday morning market, at Upper Orange Street, in Oranjezicht.

We are proud to be a part of the market family, still, today at the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, Granger Bay Blvd.


We always had the idea to one day develop a space with entrepreneurs sharing the same values


The vision included not only a home for La Rozell but to create a hub around food, art, workshops, and wellness.

A platform for sharing, creating, and upliftment in our community of Observatory and Cape Town.



The beginning of good things..

To grow our vision of "La Maison" we wanted to partner with people and associations who share similar values in their field of specialties,.

We are happy to welcome on board the "La Maison" project, Rhapsody Studios, and Baz Art Organisations.

Who in their own right are doing amazing work, creating opportunities and upliftment in the music and art genre.


It is Helen Keller who said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”


Please join us on our journey and follow for new developments on: 



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